Can Dogs Eat Figs

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Are Figs Safe for Your Dog?

Figs are an underrated fruit. If you try to find a recipe that has figs in it, those cookies with figs will be the first to come to your mind. Health professionals are recognizing the versatility, nutritional density, and delicious sweetness of figs. It shouldn’t take long to do a quick search online to broaden your knowledge. Be patient before you introduce figs to your family.

Are Figs Dangerous for Dogs?

Dogs shouldn’t be afraid of figs, as they are a healthy fruit. Many of the same benefits that you receive also apply to your dog. Figs are an excellent source of natural sugars, and natural sugars give your dog energy bursts that aren’t accompanied by a crash like refined sugars. Figs also contain a lot of dietary fiber. Dogs with chronic constipation will appreciate the fiber’s ability to regulate their bowel movements.

Fiber can also help you lose weight. Fiber is great for helping dogs lose weight, and too much fiber can speed up the dog’s digestive system. It shouldn’t surprise that your dog will have loose stool or diarrhea if you give them too many figs.

To avoid stomach upset, you should limit your dog’s intake to one or two figs per week. High levels of potassium in figs has been proven to lower blood pressure in human studies. The body uses potassium to regulate blood pressure. Some studies show that those who eat a lot of salt (which can lead to high blood pressure) have low potassium levels.

Hypokalemic (low potassium) may be a possible cause of chronic hypertension in your dog. Ask your vet to run bloodwork to rule out hypokalemia (low potassium) as the cause of high blood pressure.

Watch Out for Allergic Reactions

Although figs might not appear to be a highly allergenic food, some dogs have experienced allergic reactions after eating them. Start small if your dog has never eaten figs before. You can give them one fig, and then wait for their reactions.

Most common symptoms are a rash or itching on the skin and in the mouth. Their eyes may itch or develop a rash, and they might also experience a cough or wheezing. Even if the rash is mild, your dog should see a veterinarian right away.

Sometimes minor reactions can quickly turn into serious reactions that affect the airway. Although an antihistamine may be sufficient to help your dog recover, they may need a steroid to recover fully.

You can only give your dog fresh figs if you allow them to have a few each week. You won’t find many fig-based recipes online that are suitable for your dog, even if you do find some great ones. Avoid diarrhea, vomiting, and other minor issues by not giving your dog any food that isn’t your regular dog food.

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