- Size: Small/Mini
- Weight: 5-6 lb
- Lifespan: 7-12 years
- Body Shape: Compact
English Angora Rabbit Breed History/Origin
The Angora rabbit, a domestic breed, is the oldest. It was originally bred in Turkey from Ankara. They made it to America, where there was only one type of woolly rabbit, the “Angora Wooler”, and in 1939 they were re-classified to two kinds of rabbits, the French and English. In 1944, the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) officially separated these into two breeds, known as the French Angora and English Angora Rabbit.
The English Angora Rabbit (English Angora Rabbit) is docile, social, and easy to train.
General Description
These compact, small rabbits have a flat head, short ears, and lots of woolly furs. Their faces are also covered with fur, unlike any other Angora. They also have hairy feet.
Only one Angora rabbit has facial furnishings, the English Angora. Their fur is densely layered and has side trimmings. This makes their whole body, including their feet, covered. When their fur is in tip-top condition, they are sometimes called “round balls” of fluff.
The English Angora has a thick, woolly, and silky coat. Their fur will become matted, tangled, and unpleasant if not groomed regularly, even during the off-shedding season. It doesn’t matter if you have an English Angora rabbit, a show rabbit, a wool production rabbit, or a pet rabbit. You need to ensure that their fur is tangle-free. You can do this by using a pet grooming brush with wire bristles, similar to those used for dogs and cats, once or twice per week. English Angoras are pets, so make sure you take them to the groomer or use shears. Their coat will grow constantly. The English Angoras are known for their wool, and they recommend shearing their hair at least four times per year. You can also use shears to get rid of any matting.
A “puppy cut” is a way to make caring for an English Angora rabbit a lot easier. This “haircut” shortens the hair on their heads and bodies while leaving their feet and ears relatively long. This creates a rabbit that looks a bit like a miniature poodle.
Regularly groom your rabbit and ensure that your rabbit has a high-fiber diet.
English Angoras come in a variety of colors. English Angoras are classified in the Agouti category as Lynx (Chestnut), Chocolate (Chestnut), and Chocolate (Chestnut). The Self group is available in Black, Blue, or Chocolate. The Shaded Group English Angoras are Black Tort. Blue Tort, Chocolate Tort, Chocolate Tort, or Lilac Tort. Show Class is defined as having ruby eyes and a white coat. The Pointed Group English Angoras are made of white wool. They can have black spots on the nose or legs (these are called Black Pointed White), brown spots on the nose or legs (Chocolate Pointed White), or light grey spots on the nose and legs (Blue Pointed White).
Care requirements
Because their thick, wooly coats demand much attention, English Angoras need to be very careful with their jacket. To keep their coats mat-free, they need to be brushed at least twice a week with a wire-bristled brush and sheared approximately four times per year. We do not recommend this breed to first-time owners unless you are willing and able to devote so much time to keeping your rabbit healthy and happy.
English Angora rabbits need a diet that includes 70% hay, just like other rabbits. To ensure their growth, the remaining 30% should receive equal amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as high-quality pellets. Babies, rabbits, or “kits” require a different diet. Kits younger than three weeks should only be allowed to drink their mother’s milk. Kits 3-4 weeks old may be offered alfalfa and pellets. Once they turn 4-7 weeks old, pellets should be available. You can switch to unlimited pellets or hay when your kit is 7 to 7 months of age. Finally, introduce your kittens to vegetables slowly until they reach 12 weeks.
English Angoras are great pets. Their enclosures can be either indoors or outdoors, depending on where they live. Your indoor bunny enclosure should be big enough for your bunny to roam around and have plenty of bedding to keep it happy. You should clean your rabbit’s cage at least once a week and spot-clean it every day. If your enclosure is outside, ensure it has adequate protection against inclement weather, wildlife, and access to the sun and wind.
These animals are friendly and docile, so make sure you take them outside of their enclosure. If you have an apartment or home without a fenced yard, your rabbit can be let loose in the house. However, they will also enjoy going outside to get fresh air and feel the grass under their feet.
The most worrisome health issue the English Angora rabbit faces is the potential for woodblock. Rabbits are clean and groomed often. However, because of the thick wool in the English Angora, they can inject fur while grooming accidentally. This fur is normally passed through their droppings, but it can get trapped in the digestive system and form a furball. This hairball is not able to be regurgitated by rabbits, unlike cats. It gets bigger and more complicated. The hairball can grow so large that the rabbit believes it is full and then dies. Woodblock can be dangerous for rabbits with thick, long fur.
Woodblock can cause a loss of appetite, decreased activity, or a reduction in appetite. Droppings may also be less frequent and strung together with wool. For more information, consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
There are many ways to prevent wool block in your rabbit. The most important is diet. You should ensure your rabbit eats a high-fiber diet and that you groom it regularly. Many breeders add pineapple chunks and papaya tablets to their rabbit’s diet once a week to prevent wool block.
The English Angora rabbit requires regular grooming, even during the off-shedding period.
English Angoras, a calm and loving breed of rabbits, are tolerant and affectionate. They need a lot of grooming to bond with the person who takes care of them most often. They are not prone to being irritable or skittish, so introducing them to children won’t be difficult. Although they don’t need constant attention, they thrive when they are out and about and interacting with people. This breed is great for couples and singles who want a pet.
Make sure they have toys to chew on when they go outside for their daily walks. A poor diet can lead to rabbits with overgrown teeth. If your rabbit is being fed a balanced diet consisting of vegetables, hay, and pellets, then overgrown teeth shouldn’t be a problem. However, giving them something to chew (such as a toy dog) will help keep them happy. Some rabbits like to chew on wood parts. You can provide your rabbit apiece safe for them to chew on wood pieces.
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