How Many Puppies Can a Toy Poodle Have

Estimated read time 7 min read

You are now the proud parent of a Poodle momma. Every litter is unique, no matter if you are just starting to breed dogs or doing so for many years.

We will be discussing everything related to Poodle conception, birth and pregnancy. Let’s get ready to meet those precious babies!

Are female Poodles able to have periods?

All-female dogs, including Poodles, have periods that are not comparable to human cycles. Dogs become fertile only every six months (or twice a year), during what is called “season” and “heat”.

Your Poodle will likely have excessive heat, be irritable, and get pregnant.

Spaying a dog will result in her having her uterus and ovaries removed. She will not be able to heat again.

What is the average heat time for Poodles?

The average heat lasts between 3-4 weeks. During this time, however, your Poodle will not be fertile. Your dog will not be fertile for the first 10-12 days. She will start conceiving puppies after 1.5 weeks.

Along with the much-dreaded heat comes the unpleasant discharge. Many Poodle owners choose dog diapers to maintain their floors and furniture.

How can I find a good dad for my baby?

Based on your breeding goals, you will search for the right Poodle for you.

If you plan to breed purebred Poodle litters (like Parti Poodles), ensure the sire is registered and certified. You can get in touch with other owners of Poodles by joining the American Kennel Club.

You might choose to have a Doodle litter if you plan to have one.

  • A Schnauzer to raise Schnoodle puppies
  • Bernese Mountain Dogs for Bernedoodle puppies
  • A Golden Retriever for Mini Goldendoodle, Mini Goldendoodle, or F1b Mini Goldendoodle offspring
  • An Old English Sheepdog to Sheepadoodle puppies

It is important to ensure that both parents have passed the breed-specific health test so that your baby has a healthy start.

How do I know if my Poodle has a baby?

Your Poodle should have been with an intact male during the season if she hopes to become pregnant. You will be ecstatic to find out if your Poodle is pregnant, regardless of whether you choose a purebred Poodle dad or another breed to produce adorable Doodle babies.

Visit a vet between the days 20-22 of the day your pup was likely to be born. A vet can perform an ultrasound on your Poodle, just like a human momma. Your vet will confirm if your Poodle is pregnant.

Hormone tests can also be used to measure your dog’s hormone levels 21-25 days after conception.

You don’t have to take your dog to the veterinarian if you don’t want to. Pregnant Poodles begin to gain weight about five weeks after conception.

What is the average time that Poodles are pregnant?

The average gestation time for dogs is approximately 63 days to 9 weeks after conception. However, this can vary by a few days.

You may find that smaller dogs give birth earlier than larger breeds if you breed Miniature or Toy Poodles or cross such as Mini Goldendoodles or F1b Mini Goldendoodles. Your dog could give birth between 56 and 59 days.

You should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. To determine the number of pups, he can have her x-rayed. This will allow you to plan better for the whelping. Knowing if one pup is “left” is important as sometimes a puppy gets stuck. If you know how many you should expect, you can rush your dog to the vet to get it checked out if they are not passing.

Dog Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the date of your first mating to find out when your dog will be delivering her puppies. This will give you an estimated date of delivery, so you are prepared.

 Your dogs estimated due date is 63 days. This is the average length for dogs to gestate. This date shows the estimated delivery dates. Your dates may vary. If you have any questions, please contact your veterinarian.

What number of puppies will my Poodle have in total?

The size of the parents will determine how many pups you can expect. Larger breeds tend to have more pups than smaller breeds.

  • Standard Poodle

Expect around 7 puppies if the mother of your litter is a Standard Pug.

Fun fact: In 2014, Crystal, a Standard Pug named Crystal, made history by giving birth to 16 puppies.

  • Miniature Poodle

Expect 5 to 6 Miniature Poodle puppies.

  • Toy Poodles

Toy Poodles, the smallest breed of Poodle, will have the fewest number of puppies per litter. You should plan for at least three litters, though you can also have single litters (which means a litter with one puppy).

The size of your Poodle’s litter will depend on her size, age (older Poodles have smaller litters), and her health (some conditions can result in fewer pups).

More puppies are possible if the mother is closer to the “perfect time for conception”.

Are Poodles good mothers for their children?

Poodles make great mother dogs. Many factors will affect how well your Poodle is as a mother dog.

  • The female’s mother

Chances are, if your dog’s mom was a loving and caring mother, your Poodle would be equally kind to her children.

  • How prepared are you

It is important to give the mom everything she needs and make it easy to raise puppies. Give her a large and comfortable whelping container. To make it easier for the pups to nurse, trim the hair from her stomach. Make sure she is well and has received prenatal veterinary care.

  • What a mom feels

It is not easy to be pregnant with, care for and give birth to a litter of puppies. Your Poodle mom must feel secure and taken care of to be a good mom. You should not allow any dogs to enter the female’s whelping area. She needs lots of quiet.

  • You support

As your Poodle raises her pups, you will need to put in a lot of effort and time. As she is nursing, she will require specialized nutrition. It is your responsibility to ensure that she is not disturbed – this applies even to the small children in the household.

How often should I breed my females?

First, there is no need for every female dog to have more than one litter. Don’t breed your Poodle because you believe this is necessary. Female dogs can live a long, healthy life without having puppies.

Only breed if you’re willing to care for your litter and put in a lot of effort. Three litters should be sufficient for your female to have if you decide to breed. Your Poodle will be affected by every pregnancy and every whelping. Poodles live a long life span, but you shouldn’t breed them before age 8 or 9. Your female can still become pregnant, but it is not a good time to have puppies.

Some female owners may breed their females five to six times. This is not a good idea! This is unfair to the mother dog and borders on puppy mill practices.

It is better to keep your litter to a minimum and make your pets as happy as possible.

The bottom line

It can be an amazing experience to support your Poodle during pregnancy, birth, and puppy-raising. It is important to commit to the task if you are willing to put in the effort, time and money.

Make sure the parents of any litter pass the breed-specific health tests and don’t breed more than one litter from one female.

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