Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere

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It’s six in the morning. Half asleep, you stumble out of bed to make the necessary cup of coffee. You almost fall on your face because your dog is following your every move too closely.

This scenario is something that most dog owners have encountered at one time or another. For some, it might even become a daily occurrence. Why do dogs follow you around? Is this normal behavior? Find out below.

Why is My Dog Following Me Everywhere Suddenly

Dogs domesticated for the first time at least 15,000 years ago. From wolves living in packs to dogs living with humans in packs, they evolved into domesticated dogs. Humans bred dogs for companionship.

It is not hard to see why dogs follow us everywhere. Dogs and humans have a mutually beneficial relationship. Each provides the other with companionship. Dogs also receive food, shelter, safety, and other necessities from humans.

Terrier breeds are more independent than other breeds, and they may be less inclined to follow their owners. Some breeds, like terrier breeds, are more independent and stick close to their owners. Chihuahuas and other toy breeds were bred to be our best friends. They are very close to one another and will most likely follow their human parents.

Border Collies and Labrador Retrievers are herding dogs that were trained to obey human orders. They may follow their owner’s every move for this reason.

Your dog will most likely have a strong attachment to you if he was less than 12 weeks old. Puppies are likely to follow their parents closely, but they may become less confident as they get older and more comfortable in other situations.

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere?

You may not only have tasty treats in your pocket, but your dog might be following you around because of the following reasons:

It’s Time For Dinner or a Walk

Dogs can recall their daily routines. If you take your dog for walks at seven every morning or feed him at the same time every day, he will be excited about these times and will likely follow you around in anticipation of your reward.

They Want Attention

Dogs will follow their owners around if they get attention or other rewards. Dogs will recall and do the same behavior if given treats, playtime, or pets in return.

This behavior is common and will be loved by most people. If shadowing becomes too much, it can become irritating and dangerous for you and your dog.

They’re Afraid

Dogs can be scared of loud noises like thunder and lightning. They may try to cling to their owners during these times. Dogs see us as their protectors. Staying near us can help to calm them down and keep them safe.

They are bored

Your dog may be more interested in you if he is just laying there all day without anything to do.

They Want To Tell You Something

Try following your dog around if it suddenly follows you. You might think he is trying to get your attention to something.

You may notice your dog following you around, telling you that he feels sick or not well.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is very common. One study found that 17 percent of all dogs suffer from it. Separation anxiety causes dogs to be anxious and frantic or panic when they are left alone. Anxiety behaviors can be exacerbated when pet parents insist on getting home at a certain time.

Why Do Dogs Follow You to the Bathroom?

All of these reasons could cause your dog or cat to follow you to the bathroom. Dogs are also able to sense smells and can be attracted to the smells from the bathroom. A bad smell for us can be a fascinating smell for our dogs.

Bathrooms are often filled with tissue and other waste products, which dogs love to sniff and tear up. You can either put a lid on the trashcan or close the door if your dog rummages through it.

Why Does My Elderely Dog Follow Me?

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a condition that can affect dogs as they age or become geriatric. Common symptoms include disorientation and changes in sleep-wake cycles, and anxiety. Your dog may become more attached to you suddenly.

Older dogs are more likely to develop chronic illnesses and other conditions. Any new behavior could indicate a medical issue.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog Following You?

Your dog’s shadowing behavior should not be a problem. If your dog is becoming a bit clingy or aggressive, you may want to consider some home remedies.

Your dog will be less likely to follow you around if he gets enough exercise each day. A calm dog is tired. Boredom is a common reason dogs follow their owners around. Your dog will be stimulated and relieved of boredom if you provide him with toys and treats. You can also distract your dog’s energy by doing this.

Pet parents also need to evaluate whether they are reinforcing the behavior of their dog. Do you stare at your dog while he follows you around? You are rewarding his behavior by focusing on him.

Instead of ignoring undesirable behavior, reward your dog with treats or scratches when he settles on his bed or turns his attention away from you to play with toys.

Don’t yell at your dog for following you. This can cause fear and reinforce bad behavior.

Your veterinarian should be consulted if your dog suddenly becomes too dependent. An increase in shadowing behavior could be due to a behavioral issue or environmental problem, but it could also be a sign that your dog has an underlying medical condition.

To rule out serious health issues, a veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical exam. If there are no obvious medical problems, your vet may recommend a behavior specialist or trainer to help your dog.

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